The key to anchoring the Goddess again is the awareness and implementation of the Goddess mysteries by reforming Sisterhood of the Rose groups worldwide who will gather at least once a week to perform sacred meditations and other aspects of the Goddess. Together in groups around the world we will anchor the loving, gentle energy of the divine feminine and merge it with our sexual energy in our own way. This does not imply sexual energy as we know of it today in mainstream culture. It implies the act of pure sensuality, the gentle touch of nurturing care towards all beings. This emergence activates the kundalini energy, and when this energy rises to the crown chakra it has the ability to heal and reverse the entropy of our mitochondria--thus providing many health benefits such as anti-aging and the ability to maintain our vital energy. The occult mysteries of the Goddess are so influential that it is the reason the Goddess has been removed and manipulated throughout history. But together, in groups around the world, we will reactivate this awareness, this embodiment and it will be the key component to Planetary Liberation.
Tens of thousands of years ago, priestesses of the goddess were gathering in circles of twelve groups and each group composed of twelve women, creating one hundred and forty-four, to anchor the energy of peace and harmony with the rose being the sacred symbol of the goddess. They were called the Sisterhood of the Rose and emerged under the guidance of the Central Race during Atlantian times. There's a Goddess that belongs to the Central Race, AIONA. She came to Atlantis and initiated 12 priestesses, gave them all mysteries for sacred goddess work and these were transmitted by generations through mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, Cathars, Templars, 18th century Saint Germain, Lord Cagliostro, and many secret societies. This energy is now returning to women and men of all kinds with the guidance of the Pleiadians as the Galactic Wave of Love enters the planet during this cosmic cycle.
The Sisterhood of the Rose brings together all forms of the Goddess and God energy into the highest aspects of the Divine Feminine – an energy that has been collectively lost for centuries and is now returning and reawakening our world through Sisterhood of the Rose groups around the planet. The Goddess is no different than the heroic God in the ultimate goal, but rather gentler and more nurturing. The Rose frequency is the magnificent embodiment of both these energies. We have chosen up to now, for various reasons, to focus on the Goddess aspect of the Rose, but the Rose is both and the Heroic counterpart of God energy must also be urgently activated again as it is the warrior which protects and supports divine life. The divine love and grace that pours out from the Rose is the integration of the male and female energies...
we are the same, we are one, we are two sides of the same coin.
The energy of the Goddess is very important for re-creation and life to flourish in all realms. It is an elemental, essential energy and essence that brings all of consciousness and matter into its highest state, to return to harmonized evolution that is pure in nature. The goddess then, now, at this moment in time returns into the consciousness of women, men and the planet's Gaia consciousness. This energy activates our connection with our soul family, one of the key Goddess Mysteries, with whom together we anchor the light and transcend to the reality of our divine purpose.
This Galactic Wave of Love will harmonize the consciousness of matter and all beings, as to their capacity, and will become what they desire to be. It will free the world and all beings from the social conditioning that has imprisoned them for so long, especially in regards to families, and that has been so connected with the imbalanced energy of science, physics, and mathematics. The power of the balanced goddess will bring all beings to infinite knowledge of wisdom; it will enable them to harmonize their minds from all limitations and encourage all to be free beings in all realms, embracing the power of divine will, love and joy.
The energy of the goddess then is consciousness and power, it is self-realization, it is the remembrance, the communion, the acknowledgment and embodiment of divine truth.