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What Is The Sisterhood?

The Sisterhood of the Rose is a group of specially gifted women who first came together in Atlantis, here they created an ancient mystery school of profound knowledge. The key aspects of their teachings are being perpetuated in this life as they come together again and remember their important links with antiquity, wisdom and knowledge and with the foundations of universal law – and of course with the mystery and mystique of the rose.

It is our esoteric rose that carries the sacred knowledge – she is as alive and active today as she was then.

The rose represents the feminine energy. She fostered and embodied the knowledge that needed collecting and saving at the time of the fall of Atlantis. She asked us to carry this knowledge within us in a unique form. We did this sometimes to our own detriment. We placed the rose in our physical bodies and guarded and protected her until now. And so we – and I say we now – because I am one of these women who have protected that rose within for many centuries – we have begun to release the last petal for that special rose information that we carried for so long.

The Sisterhood today is moving towards fulfilling its role as a Supreme Healing force as its members wake up and remember – it is a revered gathering of the holy rose.


Whilst the Sisterhood acts as a major custodian of the rose wisdom the way in which this healing takes place is part of the sacred knowledge that is only released to initiates. As epochs in human history have needed certain color rays or healing tools the Sisterhood has as its role the management and development of the different rose energy and light vibrations.


The Sisterhood has a direct linkage to the universal symbols. They are the guardians of these universal symbols and they are responsible for releasing these symbols to those who are willing to receive and remember them at this time.

Should you feel a connection with the Sisterhood it is important that you honor it. Now is the right moment for you to make your universal declaration in order to fulfill your full potential. It is time to link with the Sisterhood of the Rose in a gentle, progressive and wondrous way. Do not allow yourself to be marginalized at this important time.

Members of the Sisterhood of the Rose were and still are wisdom keepers.

So welcome Sisters to our time of change – together we will expand the rose energy of Mother Earth and contribute to rose consciousness with a vibrancy that we can begin to emit immediately. Feel the expansion – unfurl your wings – say the Sisterhood prayer – release your remaining rose petal for when you surrender to the dream you can live in bliss – and bliss is retained forever.









In their time in Atlantis the sisters perfected a form of energy training called Rose Alchemy. Rose Alchemy was one of many ways they used to link with the Goddess energy and with the divine feminine. Particular forms of the Goddess energy directly connected with Rose Alchemy include the energies of Isis in Egypt. Many people are initially drawn to making an Egyptian connection. This is often only the first step as other archetypes emerge to help with the journey. Kwan-Yin and Kwaneen are two forms of the Goddess of Mercy in the East, both of whom are predominantly Goddesses of Mercy. The Black Madonna, in Poland, France, Switzerland and Mexico forms another component of the Rose Goddess Walk.

White Buffalo Calf Woman in the United States and in Australia the wonderful Rainbow Serpent Mother of the Aboriginal people – these archetypes are all energetically willing and able to create a personal and incredible relationship with you as you release your rose petal. Each of these archetypes represents the Rose Mother Goddess, or the feminine ray of energy.

The wise woman form of the Goddess helps to bring an understanding of the mystery of Death and of Life itself and the way in which Life is preserved through Death. The Goddess holds the key to eternal wisdom and so the practice of Rose Alchemy, the art of the Goddess, brings with it a key to truth, trust and wisdom. The rate at which truth, trust and wisdom are absorbed depends on the rate at which the individual can integrate the experience into daily life in a practical sense.

The Sisterhood is closely linked with the angelic, devic, faery and elvin kingdoms. The extent of this linkage is bringing with it some fascinating revelations. The current configuration of the many worlds which compose our universe is such that we are gaining increased levels of access to all of them. In other words we can see and speak to the members of the Rose Holy Alliance any time we wish now – they are here and ready to work with us.

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